1º Escuchar primero sin ver la letra para ver qué palabras entendemos.
2º Escuchar y cantar viendo la letra varias veces.
3º Volver a escuchar la canción sin la letra a ver si la entendemos ya.
4º Trabajar con la letra de la canción las actividades que te indique el profesor (traducir la letra, identificar sonidos trabajados con "Jolly Phonics", centrar la atención en la pronunciación de alguna palabra...).
5º Para poder traducir la canción, al final de la misma dejo una lista con las palabras clave o que presentan mayor dificultad.
Karaoke Game:
Karaoke Game:
by Louis Armstrong
I see trees of green,
Red roses too.
I see them bloom
For me and for you.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
I see skies of blue,
And clouds of white.
The bright blessed day,
The dark sacred night.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
The colors of the rainbow
So pretty in the sky,
Are also on the faces
Of people going by.
I see friends shaking hands
Saying how do you do.
They're really saying
I love you.
I hear babies cry,
I watch them grow.
They'll learn much more
Than I'll never know.
And I think to myself,
What a wonderful world.
Yes, I think to myself
What a wonderful world.
to bloom: Florecer.
to go by: Pasar.
to shake hands: Darse las manos.
to grow: Crecer (las formas del pasado son grew, grown).
gonna: Forma coloquial de going to (ir a).
they´ll learn: they will learn (ellos aprenderán)
Than I´ll never Know: Than I will never Know (de lo que yo nunca sabré)
The brigth blessed day: El brillante bendecido día.
The sacred night: La oscura sagrada noche.
Song: What a wonderful world
1. Identify in the song three words with the sound /ee/.
2. Find three words with the sound /ai/.
3. Find two words with "the magic e".
4. Could you blend the word "green"?
5. Dictation.
6. Translate.
7. Karaoke.
Extra activiries;
1. Find a word with the sound /or/.
2. Blend the word "day".
3. Blend the word "world".
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